The cat water dispenser keeps your furry friends hydrated


The cat water dispenser keeps your furry friends hydrated


If you have baby cats, you will know how important it is for them to drink more water - this can not only keep them hydrated, but also help digestion, and even prevent urinary tract infections and kidney diseases.

However, as a cat's parent, you may also realize how difficult it is to ensure that your pet drinks water often. Tap or bath water dripping on the floor? They can't get enough. But put a plate of fresh water next to their food. It can last for hours without drinking. Although it may be frustrating, there is a solution to this behavior - fountains.

Cats like to drink water from flowing water bodies for many reasons. Some people say this is because they associate flowing water with freshness, while others think it can attract their senses more because they can see it moving, hear its sound, and even taste different tastes.

Whatever the reason, the water dispenser is a good way to imitate this natural behavior and make your kitten drink more excited and happy. But what should you look for when buying?

First, consider whether the fountain uses a filter, the frequency of replacement, and the difficulty of cleaning. Sound is also a major factor, especially if the fountain will be located in the public space of your home.

Also don't forget the capacity - the number of cats you have and their size should also play a role in choosing a water dispenser, because you may need a water dispenser that can be adjusted or has multiple levels to suit cats of different sizes.

If you can, it is recommended to buy a pet water dispenser with sterilization function.

We should know that the cat's intestines and stomach are very fragile. If the water in the pet water dispenser is not replaced in time, or the water dispenser is not cleaned in time, it is easy to breed bacteria in addition to impurities, heavy metals and residual chlorine. Over time, it may cause cystitis, urethritis and other diseases of the cat.

Of course, because we sterilize the water dispenser, it is impossible to directly add fungicides and other things, so the best sterilization method is UVC ultraviolet sterilization technology.

Uvcld ultraviolet sterilization technology has the advantages of high convenience, energy conservation and environmental protection, long service life (the service life can reach the high-efficiency sterilization capacity of more than 5000-10000 hours), frequent startup has no impact on the service life, low failure rate, non-toxic, harmless, no residue, no mercury, no heavy metals, no pungent smell, pure 270-285nm UVC ultraviolet, no ozone, high-efficiency sterilization, etc.

Adding UVC LED module in the pet water dispenser can circulate and kill the internal water, so as to ensure that the sterilization brought by the pet's tongue when drinking water can be killed at the first time. The module is placed in the opaque place inside the product, which can ensure the safety of pets.

And clean the water dispenser at least once a week, more than twice in summer, otherwise you will find that the inner wall is slippery after a period of time, which is caused by inadequate cleaning.

After cleaning, it can be dried naturally in the sun. In this way, combined with the ultraviolet sterilization of the water dispenser, it can provide clean water for the cat.

Qingdao fluorescent Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. has a professional postdoctoral team, focusing on the research of ultraviolet sterilization application. After years of deep cultivation in the ultraviolet industry, the company has obtained a number of national invention and utility model patents. At present, a number of sterilization module products have been put into the market. For more details, you can browse the company website, contact the company for WeChat's official account.

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